Monday, February 27, 2012

Already on the long road to tomato season

16°C, 17°, 18°...what a difference there is when temperatures leap from one extreme to another. Earlier last week it hovered around 8°C/mid-40°F. Now it has doubled and everything and everyone is suddenly bursting with energy (never seen so many people waiting in line at the car wash on a Sunday!). I've been gradually hardening off the tomato plants although I'm afraid we'll probably suffer another cold snap next month. I'm not too worried though, because we have enough space to keep them indoors for as long as they need to stay in. Today they make 7 weeks and one day old, and I've also potted up Cherokee Purple and Marmande seeds to round out this year's tomato crop. I just hope we don't get any blight for 2012.