I have to confess, in previous years I buy one or two strawberry plants from the nursery, set them in the ground, and pretty much let them fend for themselves. There is no fussing over them, no diligent watering routine, and maybe only a sprinkle of guano if it happens to cross my mind. But after reading so much about the popularity of Mara de Bois strawberries, I figured it was high time I got serious about growing this luscious fruit. First plan of action, get ourselves to Ingegnoli (in Milan) where they had bare root Mara de Bois (an everbearing type) among the varieties on offer. I picked up 25 (19,50€) and a box of fertilizer designated for berries.
On the way home it occurred to me that those fancy french Maras might appreciate a potting soil specifically made for their kind, so we bought 6 (20 liter) bags at the next nursery on the drive back. The following day I spent all morning planting them in window boxes, along with a handful of Framberry runners that I saved from last year. I'm dreaming of berries all summer long but better to not get ahead of myself. I'll track their progress and update in future posts.

the weather dude says our summer in japan is gonna be hot hot hot:(
I have a feeling it'll be the same here. The other day 20°C ...wth? A/C techs supposed to install next week!
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