Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I see mushroom clusters

I started the month with mushrooms and I'm ending it with mushrooms. It seemed as if nothing would come of the mushroom kit (yellow oyster) that I had purchased, but this is what it looks like today. The instruction pamphlet calls them "clusters". I'll update once a week with photos.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ready for a well-deserved beauty sleep

Finally, after weeks of putting off the inevitable task of clearing out the garden, we got it done and over with this past Saturday just before the rains came pouring down in sheets. Autumn in Italy this year has been a real pool party - for the frogs - but not so much for anyone who has had garden work to finish up. The mixed clay soil that we have is easier to work with when the dirt isn't soaked to the gills.

In the meantime I am still waiting for a miracle to happen in the mushroom kit that I picked up recently. It is unthinkable that I could possibly grow my own (there are plenty of weird volunteers in the garden), but I had to give it a try at least once and who could resist the picture of these yellow oyster mushrooms? In Italy there is a mushroom called fungo d'amore - the love mushroom - but are actually the pink version of the oyster type.

And speaking of pink, it will be pinks and whites next spring when the tulips and other blossoms come up. I am going through this Hello Kitty phase...it must be that "second childhood" sort of thing. My husband is fine with it as long as I don't start putting plastic flamingos in the yard.