Now that the family 'padrino', my father-in-law, has seen and complimented our efforts in the garden, the first thing that he wanted to give me were some ties for our tomato plants. Yes, the assortment of tomatoes that I started from seed are all producing flowers and fruit! If they continue in their natural stages of development without interference from the dogs, I should have a lot of pomodoro "firsts" in this part of Italy.
But getting back to those ties... My father-in-law gave us a little bag which contained these curious cloth rings. He recycles old socks by cutting the calf part into bands (I'm guessing about 3/4 inch or 2 cm) and puts them through the washer to achieve these end results. All that's left to do is to snip the soft ring and voila! Instant tomato bush ties that allow for the stem to expand with no risk of harming the plant. Added plus, the uncut rings also doubles as a quick ponytail holder when I'm working in the garden!

he he that is very clever! Last year, I took the drawstring off of my sweatpants to make the tomato ties.
Rowena, it is a good idea. The ties are soft and I guess every where in good supply.)
If you have any questions about blotanical I would be glad to answer them for you if I am able to) I had the same feeling in the beginning, it was all a maze.
Thank you for stopping by.
What a great idea. We grow tomatoes in our garden in Georgia and use large wire baskets. This is a great alternative.
Kat, he is a thrifty one! Saves just about everything. Your idea is a great one too!
wonder if panty hose would work too? got lots of those...
I like your world very much!
hey, i am a sunflower!
Please tell your father in law, he's a genius! Thanks for stopping by Rowena. I am going to add you to my blogroll today, also tell my friend Karen about your sites. You two will like one anther very much I think!
Also have you me Lala?
Have lots of yummy tomato,s today!
Great tip, Rowena!
I love it! (they remind me of the loops you weave potholders with) I have yet to tie up my plants - I just keep tucking an occasional branch into the cages/stakes (they're something between the two). That along with my minimal pruning has resulted in some very unruly tomato plants! I'm picking a few Sungold tomatoes almost every day now, but no Brandywines yet. Off to go through my sock drawer now...
Wonderful idea! Tell your father-in-law thanks! Great way to recycle!
just found your blog through Casalbas. I'll put you on my blogroll too. You are a gardener after my own heart.
Good idea of your father in laws.
My father used to recycle panty hose by putting them individually over fruit (like) figs in Australia in order to protect them from birds. I do it for the cherries in my garden, but have to check because if it rains a lot they can rot.
Scintilla - I am ready and willing to "graduate" to pantyhose and old bras if/when the occasion presents itself. This year we lost peaches and pears to aphids and hail respectively, but our cherry tree is still yet too young to put out fruit. Maybe next year I'll get to use my nylon stockings!
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