No italian garden blog would be complete without paying homage to the bountiful art of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, especially his paintings with double meanings. Rotating the image from left to right you have a bowl of vegetables and the gardener. Maybe a little bizarre at first (I played with the idea of composing my own vegetable man from our modest pickings), but note the primary types of vegetables depicted: onion and root. Common ingredients, which even to this day, are carefully tended in the most artistic of gardens.
Non sarebbe giusto se un blog di giardinaggio mancasse di rendere omaggio all'arte di Giuseppe Arcimboldo, sopratutto i suoi quadri a doppio senso. Girando l'imagine da sinistra a destra, si vede una ciotola di verdure e il giardiniere. Forse un po' bizarro all'inizio (mi e' venuta l'idea di farne uno io stessa), ma guarda i principali generi di verdure: cipolla e ortaggi a radice. Ingredienti abbastanza comuni, che, anche in questi tempi, sono curati con attenzione nei piu' artistici giardini.
What an interesting sculpture. Very creative way of using roots & onions to create art.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was a great painter. Don't you think he had a lot of fun creating his paintings. He must have been bored with doing the usual still life stuff!) Your basket with the home grown looks cute.
PG - I have a hunch that it would appeal to the Garden Ranters...lol
Kat - and where are your veggie posts?
Titania - I wish they would make a movie out of his life. Recently, a short tv film was made on Caravaggio which I thought was interesting, but Arcimboldo takes the cake!
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