All 10 ounces of it, and 18 days my foot. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to why a radish would have a specific number of days listed on the package and not follow through. Is that 18 days to germinate or 18 days until harvest? My seeds sprouted in a matter of 3-5 days, but at 5 weeks (that's 35 days) from sowing, all I had were skinny-as-twigs roots. They were pretty with rosy-pink bases and white tips. Having other things to fuss with in the garden, I just left them alone and an additional 3 weeks later I end up with these. I couldn't find anything on the net that explains what 18 days refers to (I hope it isn't that these are still fresh 18 days after harvest), so the mystery remains unsolved. What I like about this radish is the elongated shape, but to me they taste the same as the round ones that I usually grow.
Seeds for 2013
I know I can't be the only one to already have seeds for the following spring. A couple of weeks ago we had some errands to run at a garden center and naturally, I end up in the seed section. All I'm lacking are okra, black radish and kohlrabi which I hope to obtain soon. I did a seed trade with a blogger friend from France and scored some rainbow chard, kale and collard greens, but what I'm especially keen on growing next year is capers. Potted young caper plants should be available by the end of this month at a price of 9€.
Todays high: 18°C / 64°F
Mmmm 18 days does sound a little incredible....
Nothing like being prepared for the coming growing season.....Have grown many veggies using that brand of seed and have been very happy with the results.
Wow you already have seeds! I would loved to if we weren't pinching pennies! I have a huge wish list! I did reply to your comment about the peppers. Sorry your radishes did not stand up to expectations! Bummer.
I would be willing to trade as I never use the whole package of seeds!
My motto is to think positive (in regards to this unpredictable sub-alpine weather) and better to be over-prepared than not at all. A large part of my eagerness, however, is due to the fact that I can't order seeds from the states anymore. Customs and some sort of bureaucratic baloney prohibits me from receiving shipments across the pond without paying a ridiculously huge fee.
I want to grow capers too but I'm having trouble finding plants here. My thinking of the 18 days, is 18 days from germination to maturity but only in absolutely optimal growing conditions. I do find radishes grow far more quickly in Spring than at other times of the year. i am very impressed with the shape of yours though. Whenever I've grown French Breakfast radishes in the past they have either branched or done something equally odd.
I'll try growing these again in spring to see what happens. I should add that these were grown in a large rectangular planter, and at one point I even had to shelter the young seedlings with a bit of shade from the mid-August sun.
I've just had a very similar experience growing this variety for the first time. But I attributed it to low light. Maybe that wasn't it! Also, hello from the future. It's, ah, well it's interesting. Hope you're well.
Those radishes! I think maybe my climate or growing conditions aren't to their liking. Too high of an elevation perhaps? Or maybe it just didn't work for them, for that year. I might give the multi-colored ones a go!
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