It has been a long, cold wait for the new season to arrive, and unlike 2013, I think I can safely predict that this year, spring will be a nice one. We've had lots of sunny days and mild weather ranging in temperatures from 14° to 22°C during the day and 12° at night. The swiss chard from last year lived through the winter and is sprouting new leaves that are already 8 inches tall, and the italian parsley is going gangbusters even after having had a layer of snow sitting on top of it.
Several runs to garden nurseries around town is, in my book, like xmas all over again. The multitude of potted spring blossoms beckon like eye candy, but this year I made it a point to select flowers that will do well in an alpine climate and hopefully come back again next year. The only flowers that I've started from seed are pink morning glory and nasturtium. I'm counting on the bleeding heart to take over a corner of the front yard.
Primroses are cheap and come in so many color varieties that we're working on including all of them in the back garden to compete with the dandelions and nettles.
I've never heard of blue daisies until last month. On a garden forum, it's been said that they will take over a spot if allowed (someone called them the "blue tanks"). The tiny flowers are delicate and don't last long, but that pop of blue color makes me smile in the morning.
We bought an asian pear tree (Nijisseiki) to complete the 3 fruit trees concept - persimmons, plums and pears - in the front yard. Fingers crossed tight that we won't get a late cold snap, but right now during these fine sunny days, the place for a short nap is under the mirabelle plum.
Today's high: 15°C
glad your garden is back in action! we gonna have another cold snap this weekend :(
Argh...not again! It feels great to be outside in the dirt, but already I have mystery bug bites appearing on where my arms are exposed. Those suckers are nasty!
yikes! rub rosemary on yourself or something...take care
How wonderful to find you in your garden! It's been a long while. I'd tended to both ailing parents for at least 4 years; my mother had passed January 2013 but am still caregiving my 86-year-old father who too has dementia. It's been all-consuming but have been finding more time to pursue my creative endeavors.
Again, Rowena, it's so wonderful to have found you! And hope to visit soon! Petra
p.s. your canine family is all grown up! :))
Petra I am so very sorry to hear of your mother's passing away, and my heart goes out to you as you care for your father. Thank you for leaving a note, and keep well.
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