Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Grapes, yuzu, paw paw, and garlic for planting

78°F, 60% humidity. Where is the cold, the rain, the fog? I'm still wearing tshirts, without a sweater, and no socks. Zero complaints from me but the current climate feels like the earlier part of summer this year, that period when gardeners go into a frenzy at the nursery buying crates of seedlings, plants and what-have-you to fill their yards, flower beds, and vegetable plots. I think we did pretty good staying under 200€.

Dachshund photobombing...again
We bought a yuzu, paw paw, and 3 table grape varieties: Topazia (white), Black Magic, and Sublime Seedless (white).

We had a young lemon tree in the past that was brought indoors for the winter, but one year it was covered in tiny white pests that exuded a sticky sap. It never recovered and died. I've got this yuzu outside in the greenhouse that faces east.


K and S said...

what a great haul! Hope they all fruit:)

Rowena said...

If I get just one next year, color me happy, but I prolly have to wait a few years until the tree gets bigger.