Saturday, November 18, 2017

Paper Polka

Even with their petals in a dry and brittle state, the Polka roses did add a touch of color to the yard.

Remember ‘Paper Roses’ by Marie Osmond? These instantly reminded me of that song as I snipped them off the bush. Yard cleanup all DONE, but there's still a bit of work in the garden before I can call it quits for the year. The weather has been surprisingly good, only 3 days of rain, some overcast days, and now sunshine for the next 2 weeks. Lucky us.

Today's high: 18°C / 64°F


K and S said...

glad you guys have comfortable temps and sun! we’ve nose dived into winter....brr!

Rowena said...

Finally down to 0°C this morning; waiting on snow this Thursday.